TIFF - Tuck Shop Instagram Film Fest
Throughout the summer we worked on four short (15 seconds!) films with director Leah Cameron. We had a blast and learned a ton about movie making. The results were fantastic and we screened our little film fest on none other than the Instagram big screen during TIFF. For your continued viewing pleasure, we have posted our film fest on YouTube!
Click on the links below to watch all the films.
In true Hollywood (North) fashion we need to thank the many dedicated people that worked hard to make our very own TIFF come together:
Directed & Written By Leah Cameron
Cinematography by Alan Poon
Edited By Engulfed in Frames
Hair & Makeup (The Fur Stole) by Olympia Farmakidis
White Dress (The Fur Stole) by Cabaret Vintage
Prop & Wardrobe Styling by Charise Mariel Garcia
Original Score by Michael Morency-Frame and David Guerra
Shot on location at Love the Design (Canadian Cashmere) and Brothers Dressler (The Cottage Coat).
Sara Hennessey in The Fur Stole
Dallas the Deer in Canadian Cashmere
Andrew Pigott in The Cottage Coat
Rosie the Dog in The Cottage Coat
A standing ovation to all!
Hope you enjoy the show.