Letters From Lyndsay: Summer of the Super Moon

Hi Friends,

Sometimes it takes something extraordinary to pull you out of ordinary momentum. That’s what happened on the eve of July 2nd, 2023 for me. To say that the last 2.5 years have been hard would be an understatement.  Without getting into any detail, it was a trying time for me personally, and as a result, for the business (in addition to the havoc that covid caused).

But on the evening of July 2nd, I found myself alone on my favourite dock, on my favourite lake in my favourite place in the world: Algonquin Park. (You can read all about this special place in the Cottage Life feature).  After a long day of visiting, playing, swimming basically nonstop, paddling and frisbee golfing, my three young girls were finally fast asleep in our off-grid cabin and I was afforded a few solitary moments before the bugs forced me back to a dreamy screened-in porch.

I have been spending summers on Canoe Lake since the age of 8. I have seen many bright moons, starry skies, northern lights and other magical moments.  But something was different about the moon on July 2nd/3rd.  I didn’t google it until I found myself back in Toronto and with WIFI (Elon - Starlink only kind of worked… get to work buddy!)  The moon shining brightly over the Canadian Wilderness was the first of several super moons this summer. It was the Buck Moon. And what I found interesting is what it represents:

“The buck moon represents a time when male deer shed their antlers and grow new ones. Ironically enough, this full moon is asking us to transform and release the old — like the bucks. It’s a moment of bringing one’s personal truth to life. Through hard work and reflection, we can be honest with ourselves and the world about what we want and desire.”   
- Refinery29

As my besties can attest, the astrological and mystical is not something I really lean into, but it seems to be calling me in and I am allowing myself to listen to it.  Today, as I sit in our studio in Toronto, I feel stronger, and more clearly focused. I feel like change is in the air and it’s on me to harness this strength and put it into practice.  This October will mark the 10th anniversary of Tuck Shop.  Crazy - right?  That’s 10 years, tens of thousands of toques, leading a business while bringing three little ladies into the world and navigating the Covid production and retail landscape. It was hard. But now is the time that you will see Tuck Shop shine again, just like the Buck Moon over Canoe Lake.  I really can’t wait to reveal what our anniversary collection includes. I hope you love it as much as I do.

Wherever you may be in your life, take that Buck Moon energy and bring your personal truth to life.  And come visit Tuck Shop because you’re going to need a sweet outfit to wear while you bring about the change you want in your life.


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